Faced with the dramatic situation in Lebanon, the international foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has launched a Christmas campaign for emergency assistance to support Christian communities in this Country.
The “Sharing hope” campaign presents real life stories of the daily struggles of families and religious just to survive. “Our project partners sometimes feel despondent and tired, they think the world has forgotten them, but they retain a glimmer of hope, because they know we are with them, and that our benefactors are answering the call. They know we will do everything we can to help them to stay in their homelands, with decent conditions”, says Regina Lynch, the foundation’s Director of Projects.
ACN’s emergency assistance campaign includes projects in the fields of medical support for individuals and for hospitals, aid for the sick and elderly, food and essential goods for needy families, financial aid for youth and children in schools that run the danger of closing, support for the formation of seminarians, funding of pastoral activities for university students, help for scout groups, subsistence aid and funding of spiritual retreats for religious sisters and mass stipends for priests.
Lebanon, a Biblical country is being emptied of its Christian populations, due to the wars and economic crises that have ruined it, plunging families into hunger and misery. Many people are also desperate with the lack of prospects and the difficulty in securing an education for their children. Without our help, the Christian population would see emigration as the only possible solution”, Lynch explains.
Besides emergency aid projects, ACN has several programmes in place aimed at bringing a little bit of joy to the youth and the most vulnerable this Christmas season. In Lebanon a total of 14,000 children will receive a Christmas gift, as well as warm clothes, thanks to the different projects operating in the country.
“It is also Christmas in Lebanon, where children have no experience of a Christmas as it used to be, with no worries, and as far as the adults are concerned, it has been a long time since they were able to sit around a Christmas tree and enjoy food and gifts with their families. Let’s make Christmas a time of solidarity with our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters and this year especially with our brothers and sisters from Lebanon!”, pleads Lynch.
“The survival of Christian populations in Lebanon – which is mentioned in the Bible, home to Popes, doctors of the Church, and saints – is in danger. We have to do whatever we can”, Lynch says.
Whatever you are able to give will help us respond to the urgent needs of these communities. Together we can extend a hand of hope and share the joy of our Saviour’s birth with those in great need. Please give a Gift of Faith today. Show that you care.
Kindly visit www.giftsoffaith.help to donate and help bring hope to our brothers and sisters in Lebanon this Christmas.