Laqgħat ta’ kortesija mal-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex u ma’ Fr. Joe Galea Curmi ,Vigarju Ġenerali Angelika2015-08-14T09:13:45+02:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts MALTA: Jubilee with Christian brethren at Ecumenical Week 2025 Gallery MALTA: Jubilee with Christian brethren at Ecumenical Week 2025 ECUADOR: How the commitment of a Priest changed Parish life Gallery ECUADOR: How the commitment of a Priest changed Parish life Christians eager to help rebuild a Syria based on equal rights Gallery Christians eager to help rebuild a Syria based on equal rights LEBANON: Between hope and uncertainty Gallery LEBANON: Between hope and uncertainty