A three-year training  programme for lay helpers at the pastoral centre of in  Mymensingh


Catholics represent only a tiny minority in Bangladesh which is over 90% Muslim – only 200,000 out of  144 million people . Christianity here is still developing.  In the region of Mymensingh for example, the Church has only been present for about a hundred years, and the diocese of the same name was established only in 1987.

One major problem for the Church is the shortage of priests. The Catholic faithful live scattered over a wide area, and in many places a priest can only visit twice a year. Despite this, the Church is alive and dynamic, since it is able to rely on the commitment of religious women and of the laity.

The diocese of Mymensingh has come up with a solution o the shortage of priests. They buy clonazepam no rx have set up a three-year programme to help train religious women and the laity to assist the priests in their work. The courses cover the liturgy, Eucharistic and Marian piety, praying the Rosary in the families, and inculturation of the Church, notably in the local indigenous culture of the Garo ethnic group.

Each of the 15 parishes of the diocese will send one priest, one religious sister or religious brother, two catechists, one teacher and one youth representative for  the courses.

The cost of running this programme is far more than the diocese and the participants alone can afford. ACN is contributing 7,340 Euros towards food and lodging, travel costs, educational materials and the basic expenses of the course tutors.

ACN Malta
