In view of the global dimension of the coronavirus pandemic, the International President of Aid to the Church in Need, Thomas Heine-Geldern sent a letter to all national offices of the foundation to remind that, in this very difficult and “challenging” time, we cannot forget those who suffer the most, “ Christians who continue to be persecuted and discriminated against today ”.These “brothers and sisters”, explains Thomas Heine-Geldern in the message, “generally have much more serious concerns than this virus” that quarantined almost half the world.This situation of social isolation, with families stranded in their homes at this time of Lent, can help to better understand the reality of those who suffer because of  their faith.

The International President of ACN says that “we are discovering that we can no longer take for granted the fact that we can attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion”. And he recalls that “this is already the situation for many of our brothers and sisters in mission lands or those who live under dictatorships”.

“They have to work hard to be able to participate in Holy Mass and the Sacraments. And perhaps now we also have a much clearer understanding of what it means to live as a domestic Church with our children and to pray with them. That’s what they already do in places where there are no churches. ”Appealing to the solidarity of all in these hard and unpredictable times, Heine-Geldern asks for help so that ACN can continue to develop the three pillars of the institution: “prayer, information and action, in creative fidelity to our mission, so that we can transform this crisis in an opportunity to witness Jesus Christ ”.

Even now, that we are going through perhaps the greatest crisis of our lives, we cannot forget that there are thousands of people, people like us, simple people like us, who need our help. This duty of solidarity is a call for everyone. ACN appeals for the generosity of Maltese and Gozitans towards the very poor Christian communities or those living under threat but who, despite this, dare to continue to profess their faith.
