As we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas, if you are able, kindly consider making a special Gift of Faith in support of the suffering Church. Every gift from you is a joyous opportunity to share Christ’s love and charity with some of the poorest and suffering Christian communities.

Your meaningful gift this Christmas can help bring joy to these Christians and greet them with a message of hope that says:
‘You are not alone. You are loved and remembered by me.’



View and select from our range of life changing Gifts of Faith


Order today and we’ll send you a Gift of Faith card to celebrate your charitable gift


Your Gift of Faith will support vital projects help those in need this Christmas


Give a Gift of Faith and create a special bond between the faithful in need around the world

Instead of a pair of socks or bubble bath, why not buy a gift that celebrates the real meaning of Christmas?

Buy a Gift of Faith on behalf of a loved one and we will send you a a beautiful gift card to give them, telling them about their gift and how it is helping those in real need.

Your Gift of Faith will create a special bond between the faithful you are helping and the person you choose the gift for.

Provide a Hot Meal

The conflicts in the Middle East have left many Christian families destitute, without the means to sustain themselves. In response to this, ACN supports the St John the Merciful Table, a relief kitchen run by the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Zahlé, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. It has become a place where refugee Christians can gather, not only to eat, but also to talk with other people and share the warm love of Christ. The relief kitchen provides hot meals for nearly 1,000 Christians who simply cannot afford a daily meal. These include the poor, children, the elderly and those who are unable to move. Your generous gift can provide the next hot meal for a needy family.


Help a widow and her children

Thousands of widows and orphans are being supported by ACN’s project partners in northern Nigeria. Boko Haram has abducted and killed countless men, depriving families of fathers and husbands whom they depend on as breadwinners. Please help these Christian families facing dangerous times – any Gift you give will support this project in Nigeria.


Christmas Parcels for displaced children

ACN is looking forward once again to bringing some Christmas cheer to children who continue to suffer the trauma of the long-running war in Syria. Thanks to the compassion and generosity of ACN supporters, thousands of displaced children will receive a Christmas parcel so they can also celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus and receive some much-needed encouragement and practice help. Please share God’s love with a child in Syria by giving a Christmas parcel packed with toys, devotional items, shoes, sweets, warm clothes and other essential items.


Support a Seminarian

ACN currently supports around one in every 10 seminarians training for the priesthood across the world. The diocese of Eldoret in Western Kenya needs our support to train 81 seminarians for the priesthood. Coming mostly from very poor families and parishes, these men would be unable to complete their formation without our financial assistance. Your kind donation will help fund their teaching materials, study fees, travel costs, prayer books and breviaries, soutanes and other suitable clothing, plus food, electricity and medical care.


Help displaced families overcome Trauma

ACN is supporting a project in the Pemba Diocese of Mozambique, to provide help for families fleeing ISIS-affiliated extremists in Cabo Delgado, north of the country. The Diocese has received more than 250,000 people, many of whom had to leave everything behind when they fled from the extremists. The project involves training Priests, Sisters and lay pastoral workers in trauma counselling, so that they will be able to visit families and Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) centres to provide care. Your kind Gift could help towards the running costs of this essential project in Mozambique, and other places where the faithful have suffered attacks.


Support a Sister

The mission of Sisters around the world has always been recognised because of its positive impact on the lives of the people they help. Religious Sisters support the faithful in so many different ways – they are one of the main sources of education, healthcare and other charitable work in many poor communities. Your Gift will help us support the Religious Sisters in the poor parishes of the Andes, Bolivia and others like them, as they dedicate their lives to helping suffering Christian communities.


Give a Child a Bible

The ACN Child’s Bible has been translated into 189 languages – a vital resource to teach the Faith to young and old alike. In some poorer parts of the world, the Child’s Bible is often the first book the children have access to in their own language and often it is the only picture book they will receive in their lifetime. We receive requests for as many as one million Child’s Bibles, each year. You can help us to meet that demand – each Child’s Bible you donate enables us to send three more to needy children around the world. Could you help us pass on the Faith to future generations by providing ACN Child’s Bible to children in need around the world?


Help a Youth through School

ACN is embarking on a project to support 550 university students from the Greek-Melkite Church in Syria with a monthly scholarship of €20 to help finance the daily costs of their student life. In addition to the aid money, the programme also provides for student counselling and spiritual guidance. With your support, young Christians in Syria will be able to continue studying to forge a better future in their own country.

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Donation Total: €20.00